001 - Pizza, cold or hot?
- Cold.
002 - What is your real name?
003 - How old are you? Really?
- 17.
004 - How many eggs do turtles lay?
- I think 1.
005 - Peanut butter and _____
- Jelly.
006 - If zombies attack, where would you hide?
- My safe 1 square mile plastic zombie-free bubble.
007 - How many steps would you estimate you have walked in your life so far?
- 666,666,666,666.
008 - How many movies would you guess that you've seen in your life so far?
- 581.
009 - Mario or Sonic?
- Sonic.
010 - Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Because of the magnetic field located on the road.
011 - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
012 - Do you know who I am?
- Not really, no.
013 - Why did Bedn steal your Candy?
- He's Stupid.
014 - How many photo threads did Wade ever make?
- Uhh....2?
015 - Who posted the first post at the new newgrounds BBS?
- Zoro.
016 - What does BBS stand for?
- Bulletin Board System.
017 - phpBB or punBB?
- phpBB.
018 - Are you gay?
- no.
019 - PHP or HTML?
- Always HTML.
020 - When was the last time you ate a nice big juicy hamburger coated with leonard dressing?
- Ohhh... Don't remind me.
021 - Please provide a random answer to this question.
- Please provide a random question to this answer.
022 - French Fries or Italian Fries?
- Actually, Italian.
023 - Italian Fries or Onion Rings?
- Italian.
024 - If the river is long, how wide is the river?
- I'd say about 10-20 feet.
025 - Swords or guns?
- Depends.
026 - If aliens invaded the planet, what would you do?
- Again, Depends.
027 - If there was no food left in the world but your best friend, would you eat him?
- Before he ate me!
028 - How many 8 year olds could you beat in a fight?
- probably 12.
029 - Is this madness? Or is this sparta?
- Madness, always.
030 - How many planes did you see in the sky today?
- Only clouds, no sky.
031 - When was the last time you visited the beach?
- Probably 3 months ago.
032 - Are you a jew?
- No, but my friend is.
033 - Who do you admire the most?
- Brianna.
034 - If superman gave you his powers, what would you do?
- Telekinetic!
035 - What are your opinions on the name Clark Kent?
- sounds like a lawyers' name.
036 - Would you prefer the power to never age and life forever unless wounded seriously or to be completely invincible for the rest of your regular life?
- Yeah, duh!
037 - Coca Cola or Pepsi?
- Pepsi.
038 - Which color was the original Coca Cola?
- Red?
039 - How many glasses of water did you drink today?
- Well, do "Mouthfuls" count?
040 - If the strength of light from a candle is equivelent to 1 lux, how much is the sun?
- about 100,100.
041 - Science or Math?
- Math.
042 - Are you old?
- No.
043 - When is your birthday?
- Are you a pedophile or something?
044 - Do you watch anime?
- Only with english subs. Japanese is badass.
045 - How many decades do you plan on living?
- about 8-9.
046 - Did you think the world was going to be consumed by evil during the shift of millenium?
- Preferably not...
047 - How many T-Shirts do you own?
- Hold on...
048 - Cats or Dogs?
- Cats.
049 - Did it rain yesterday?
- It snowed...
050 - What is your favorite number?
- 78.
051 - What is your favorite color?
- Red.
052 - What is your favorite food?
- Taco Bell.
053 - If you could dream whatever you wanted, what would you want it to be?
- I'd rather not talk about it...
054 - Do you believe in the possibility of a future zombie manifestation?
- No.
055 - How high to you turn up the volume?
- 1/3 of the way.
056 - Are you blind?
- Guess.
057 - Why don't you want to work as a flight attendant?
- Actually that'd be pretty cool.
058 - Where do you see yourself in ten years- Celebrating the 10 Yr. Anniversery of saying this.
059 - Do you use photoshop?
- I'm a n00b at photoshop.
060 - Are you against Piracy?
- Only when it doens't involve PSP games.
061 - Do you know what the RIAA stands for?
- No.
062 - Can you speak Swedish?
- Does German Count?
066 - Svara ärligt på denna fråga?
- Entschuldigung?
064 - Puedes hablar espanol?
- Bitte?
065 - Are you a wigger?
- HECK N- Wait...
066 - Do you like Japanese culture?
- The Japanese are badass.
057 - Are you black?
058 - Do you consider the n-word racist?
- In certain cases...
059 - Are you republican?
- No.
070 - Do you live in America? And if not, would you want to?
- I was born in America, but no.
071 - Which is your dream country?
- Japan.
072 - When was the last time you went on vacation?
- Technically, I'm on vacation right now.
073 - Tell me a good joke please, there are way too few of those here.
- Cock.
074 - How many letters does my alias contain?
- 10.
075 - If you could buy a plane ticket to Brazil and live there for the rest of your life selling hotdogs in a userfriendly environment, would you?
- No.
076 - What is your dream carreer?
- That flight attendant thing sounds cool...
077 - How many cool points do you have?
- OVER 9000!!!!
078 - What is your mothers maiden name?
- Are you a pedophile?
079 - Would you ever want to change your name? If yes, to what?
- Christohper Wesing sounds cool.
080 - If you could pack one box ( 1 cubic meter ) with stuff for another life, what would be in it?
- Food, drink, PSP, ETC.....
lol, a PSP for the next life? And a few hundred brand new shiny batteries maybe? :D
As for Red? The answer is Green, thanks for answering all them questions!
Your welcome.