081 - Would you prefer losing all memories and starting a new life with a hundred million dollars, or paying a hundred dollars to keep living your current one?
- That's a hard one... Depends on how old I'd be.
082 - What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
- Breaking my chin.
083 - Is Scarface the best movie in the world?
- Hell no.
084 - Have you ever stepped on a cockaroach?
- Hell no.
085 - Are you a virgin?
- Yes.
086 - Would you like to bathe in Spaghetti someday, for free?
- If it was W/O sauce, sure!
087 - If you could eat as much as you wanted, how much could you eat?
- Depends on what I'm eating. Beef stew... 15 bowlfuls.
088 - Is Wade going to answer this question?
- I doubt it...
089 - Where did the turtle go?
- In my lap.
090 - What computer brand do you have?
- Hmm... "Dell".
091 - How many bathrooms do you have in your house?
- 5.
092 - GTA 4 or SMB 3?
- GTA 4.
093 - N64 or Dreamcast?
- N64.
094 - How many carbohydrates do you consume every day?
- I don't know!!
095 - Mario or Sonic?
- Sonic.
096 - Clinton or Obama?
- Obama, always.
097 - Is George Bush a true asshole?
- Yes.
098 - Do you believe in god?
- No.
099 - What is the meaning to life?
- Fulfullment.
100 - Why are you answering these questions?
- You reviewed my song, I'm paying you back.
101 - Does the universe ever end?
- i'm pretty sure it doesn't.
102 - Explain the concept of infinity.
103 - 1+2?
- 3.
104 - How many roads must a man walk down?
- 1.
105 - What did you eat for lunch today?
- It's morning right now.
106 - What did you eat for breakfast today?
- Like, early morning.
107 - What would you prefer, 40C with sun or 20C with rain?
- 40C with sun.
108 - How many trees have you killed in your lifetime?
- 1.
109 - Why did you throw the trash where you're not supposed to throw trash?
- I didn't, I sware!
110 - How high are your moral values, on a scale from 1-10?
- about 5.
111 - Do you understand half of the questions I'm asking you?
- about 99% of them. Only 555 to go...?
112 - Do you understand more than 87% of the questions I'm asking you?
113 - How high is your IQ?
- 1 more than what it is.
114 - How many braincells do you think you've lost so far, in your life?
- about half.
115 - Do you do stuff that you regret?
- Alot.
116 - Why do you drink to get drunk?
- I don't drink at all!!!
117 - If snow was warm, would you be happy?
- If it was possible, hell yes!!!
118 - Vanilla or Chocolate? Not a racist question, no no, just the flavors.
- Vanilla.
119 - Rock or rap?
120 - Hiphop or Reggeton?
121 - Trance or Techno?
122 - Dance or House?
123 - Flute or Banjo?
124 - Piano or Guitar?
125 - Trumpet or Sax?
- Sax.
126 - Too much bass or no bass at all?
No bass at all.
127 - Which Red Hot Chili Peppers song is your favorite?
I hate the RHCP.
128 - Have you ever been to Starbucks?
Hell yes!
129 - Do you enjoy riding the subway?
Hell yes!
130 - Do you have a motorcycle license?
Hell no!
131 - Have you ever jumped from a bridge at least 3 meters high above the ground/water?
Well, what IS a "bridge".
132 - Can you do a backflip?
133 - Can you do a barrel roll?
134 - Do you practice martial arts, and if so, which ones?
135 - How many GB do you currently use?
I have no clue.
136 - How many GBs do you estimate you've thrown away?
about 4.
137 - Did you know that you can now store data on a plain piece of paper?
Tell me how.
138 - If I told you that you were going to die tommorrow, how would you react?
Depends on who I was told it by.
139 - What to you think of all the Simon dead threads?
140 - Punk or Grunge?
141 - Did Curt Kobain kill himself?
Who the hell is Curt Kobain?
142 - Hollywood or Bollywood?
143 - Can you party like a rockstar?
144 - How many bowls of rice can you swallow in a row?
145 - Do you know what Kokken means? If so, what?
146 - Do you smoke pot?
147 - Have you killed anyone?
Maybe in their soul, but not physically.
148 - If you had the chance to legaly kill someone, would you take it?
149 - How far can you spit a watermelon seed?
About 1.3 metres.
150 - How fast does light travel?
As fast as it travels.
151 - How do you want to die?
Slowly, yet painlessly.
152 - How long would you like to live, if you could chose a number of years between 1 - 100?
153 - If god appeared in front of you, how would you react?
I would automatically switch my religion.
154 - Have you read the Bible?
155 - Have you read the Quaran?
No, and you spelt it wrong.
156 - How much do you know about Satanism?
157 - When did you last sacrifice a goat for increased potency?
158 - Soccer or Baseball?
159 - Table tennis or bedminton?
Table Tennis.
160 - Hockey or pinball?
161 - How much do you weigh?
Stop being a pedophile.
162 - How tall are you?
163 - What shoe size do you have?
Stop it.
164 - Do you like chewing gum?
Depends in what gum, and if it's fruity. I <3 FRUITY!!!
165 - Do you care about what you eat?
166 - Do you care about how you dress?
167 - What three things do you care about most in life?
Family Computer, Brianna.
168 - Have you ever been bored?
169 - Have you ever honestly had nothing to do? Or have you just been lazy?
Just been lazy.
170 - How much did you sleep yesterday?
171 - On average, how much do you sleep every night
Idk, there are some wacky numbers in there, from 0 to 14 hours.
172 - Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself to save a loved one?
173 - Have you ever considered commiting suicide?
Only a smidget.
174 - Are you married?
175 - Do you plan on getting married?
I have mixed thoughts.
176 - Did you ever break a toe?
177 - How would you feel if you broke your back and became paralyzed for the rest of your life?
That would really suck.
178 - Are you a good person?
179 - Which is your favorite aura?
180 - Will you ever reach lvl60 here on newgrounds?
See my level: I REALLy doubt it.
181 - Who is your favorite mod?
Eyelovepoozy, just for his ban song.
182 - How many friends do you have here?
None, really.
183 - Do you come here to just waste time, or to achieve something else?
A mix of both.
184 - How many papers have you printed on your printer?
185 - What brand burnable CDs do you buy?
186 - Blueray or something else?
187 - Have you ever been to space?
188 - Would you prefer visiting Mercury or Mars?
189 - If you saved the world one day, how would you feel?
Very satisfied.
190 - Describe yourself with ten keywords.
Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome
191 - Do you have a website?
192 - If you have a website, what's the URL?
193 - Why did you create a website/why do you want to create a website?
I felt like it.
194 - Do you have siblings?
195 - Do you have parents?
196 - Do you love your mom?
197 - Did you forget to give her something on Mothers Day?
198 - What did you get last Christmas?
A PSP, games, stuff.
199 - Did you fool anyone on the first of April?
only about 25 people.
200 - What is your ultimate goal in life?
201 - Why did the rabbit cross the road?
202 - Have you ever seen an owl?
Sadly not.
203 - What did you dream last night?
I was in a spaceship and I was dropped off when I suddenli became fat pooping guy who rolled into a basketball field and turned it into a sand desert and then I died.
The end.
204 - When was the last time you lit a candle?
205 - Do you like playing with fire?
206 - Did you ever accidentally burn your house down?
Well, guess.
207 - If a house nearby was burning, how would you use this opportunity?
To not help.
208 - What was the best prank you ever played?
I never play any good pranks.
209 - Where did you study?
AISZ is the best one.
210 - Do you currently go to school?
211 - What do you plan on doing when your finally done with first grade?
212 - Did you get burned when you played with matches?
I've never played with matches.
213 - How many pieces of toilet paper do you use for your average crap?
About 7.
214 - Do you like vodka?
Hell yeah!
215 - How many bottles of vodka have did you drink after one another without passing out?
I'd think about 1.
216 - Beer or frogs?
217 - How do you like these questions so far?
Very time consuming.
218 - How many hours TV did you watch last night?
None. really.
219 - How much time to you spend with your family ever week?
about 3 hours.
220 - How many questions do you plan to answer before you give up?
221 - Do you perfer pens or pencils?
222 - Is the world going to explode tommorrow?
223 - When is the world going to explode?
2666, June 6, 6:66PM.
224 - What would you do if the world exploded tommorrow?
225 - How many minutes does it take before ice cream to melt?
about 15.
226 - How many dog breeds do you know the names of?
227 - Have you ever watched animal/human porn?
228 - Why did you signup here at newgrounds?
To have fun, BBs, Audio Portal, CLT.
229 - When did you signup here at newgrounds?
in 07.
230 - Do you regret signing up here at newgrounds?
Hell no.
231 - What is the best thing about this great community called newgrounds?
Things like this.
232 - Do you know who Bob is?
An admin, I think.
233 - What is Tom Fulps best trait according to you?
Best Site Admin Ever.
234 - How many times has Zerok banned you?
i've only been banned once, and it was by him.
235 - Would you like to become a mod?
236 - How many people do you think have visited your profile since you signed up?
Very few.
237 - How many times do you think people have visited your profile since you signed up?
Isn't this the same as the one above me?
238 - Would you give a man a blowjob for a hundred dollars?
239 - Would you give a man a blowjob for a thousand dollars?
240 - Would you give a man a blowjob for tenthousand dollars?
MAYBE I'll consider it.
241 - How many dollars would it take for you to give a man a blowjob?
about 10,000.
242 - What are your opinions on furry porn?
243 - Have you ever dressed up as Naruto?
244 - One Piece or Neone Genesis Evangelion?
245 - Whish movie was the best in the Godfather trilogy? And please don't tell me you never watched it.
Uh..... I've... Never... Watched it?
246 - How many TV shows have you made your way through completely, from start to finish?
Very few.
247 - What was the last videogame you played?
248 - Nintendo or Sega?
249 - Microsoft or OpenSource?
250 - Apple or Mac?
251 - Nintendo DS or Grape Juice?
252 - Why is red whine healither than white?
I think so...
253 - Do you know UB40?
254 - Madness or Poninjas?
Madness, definetly.
255 - How many flashes do you watch each day, average?
about 3.
256 - What does IRL stand for?
Something to do with internet.
257 - How great is life, on a scale from 1 to 10?
258 - How many of these questions do you actually plan on answering?
259 - What good have you accomplished in life so far?
Very little.
260 - Do you know anyone that's died from cancer?
My dad has HAD cancer, but h didn't die.
261 - Do you know anyone you'd be prepared to give vital organs to for them to survive?
262 - Which is your favorite videogame?
Not into them.
263 - Whish if your favorite band?
264 - Which is your favorite track in the audio portal?
265 - Rice or potatoes?
266 - Do you have any important traditions to follow?
Only Christmas & Thanksgiving.
267 - When did you last stay awake for 24 hours straight?
a week ago.
268 - When did you last stay awake for 48 hours straight?
A week ago.
269 - Do you know what the world record of not sleeping is? If not, guess. If yes, type.
666 hours.
270 - Do you believe in fate?
No, but if it DID exist, I'd know it hated me.
271 - Have you found the true love of your life?
272 - Where did you steal that car?
273 - Favorite brand of cookies?
274 - Have you ever built your own computer? Do you plan on doing so?
No, and No. HEY, THAT'S 2 QUESTIONS!!!
275 - Favorite song, which one is yours?
</ Trance #2>
276 - Who is the best actor?
That Chick in UltraViolet.
277 - Do you believe in right or wrong?
278 - Do you have a consiounce?
279 - How do you justify your evil deeds?
I don't/
280 - Do you follow the flow? Or form your own?
I form my own.
281 - Are you emo?
282 - Are you stupid?
I believe not, but popular opinion would lead one to believe that I am.
283 - What do you think I think you are?
Somebody very few people enjoy being around.
284 - Which group of mammels do you belong in?
285 - Favorite animal?
Cat. Don't ask why...
286 - Is Kinrkels awesome or what?
287 - How many blogposts do you think you'll be posting before 2009?
Unless something huge happens, fery few.
288 - Do you have any obligations for next year?
289 - I scream for icecream.
I scream for Bubble gum.
290 - Do you break your vows often?
291 - Do you like writing? Reading? Fighting?
No, no, no.
292 - How do you feel right now?
Content with life.
293 - Have you ever had insomnia?
Yeah, sadly.
294 - How many movies have you watched in a row as most?
295 - What is the most important thing in your life right now?
Finishing this quiz.
296 - Which event do you remember most?
Signing up to newgrounds.
297 - If you had 80 newgrounds stickers, how the hell would you use them all?
3 Words: Dresser, Computer Desk.
298 - What are you going to do after you finish these questions?
PM you due to some fake answers.
299 - Who are you to judge me?
300 - Does this round number remind you of anything in particular?
The Devil.
301 - Do you like nuclear power?
If there is a shortage of power, sure.
302 - Apples or Pears?
303 - How much cash do you have on your paypal account?
I don't have a Paypal.
304 - When was the last time you spend some time outside in the fresh air?
305 - Does it rain swerlysmelling waste where you live?
306 - Why did you stab me?!
Because You made me answer these.
307 - How many socks do you own?
308 - How many complete pairs of socks do you own?
309 - How many online communities are you a member of?
I don't know, Alot?
310 - How many years have you spent online? Total time, online.
311 - What did you do last summer?
Went to Tennessee and London.
312 - If the roof on your house suddenly dissapeared, what would be your reaction?
I still have my ceiling.
313 - A begger asks you for spare change, what do you do?
I would give him a little.
314 - Are there any good causes you would be willing to donate to?
Well, I WOULDN't Give to Peta.
315 - How many words, on average, to you write every day?
Well, write and type are different, write?
316 - Do you consider yourself to have any artistic skill?
317 - Where do the limits of your creativity start?
318 - Did you ever win first place in a rate?
No. I've never won 1st in Anything.
319 - When was the last time you crapped your pants?
320 - Do you like rollercoaster rides?
321 - Popcorn or fallafell?
322 - Have you ever eaten Monkey brains?
323 - Would you ever like to eat Monkey brains?
Sounds wierd, but if it was cooked, why not?
324 - Are you a social person?
325 - Do you have insomnia?
326 - At most, how long have you ever stared straight into the sun?
At evenings, I can stare at it until it sets.
327 - Why would you not want to become an astronaut?
Too risky.
328 - Does the man on the moon exist?
329 - Do you like cheese?
330 - Did you ever beat the secret levels on Doom?
Never even played it.
331 - What does Phobos mean?
I know Phobias bit Phobos.
Looks your page has been infected ^
Anyhow, thanks for nother nice array of questional answers, and what fake answers btw? :/
I forget. Sorry. ^^;