527 - How did you know this question was here?
- Guess.
528 - If you add all round numbers so far, what do you get?
- 1.
529 - Why didn't you finish your homework?
-I am too lazy.
530 - If the cops stop you, do you have a mutilated and obviously dead body in your trunk?
- No.
531 - If you have a ship, what would you say if it sunk?
- Shit.
532 - Have you ever been punk'd?
- No.
533 - Have you ever been Rick'rolled?
- I've ALMOST been rickrolled, but no.
534 - Jazz or Soul?
- Jazz.
535 - Blues or Country?
- Country.
536 - Western or Asian?
- Asian is badass.
537 - What does Kamikaze mean?
- Someone who dies for their country. KAMIKAZE WATERMELON!!!
538 - Who was the 7th president of USA?
- Yes.
539 - How many Swedish kings have there been?
- 1: Me.
540 - Which was the first console ever released?
- Atari.
541 - Which year did Doom come out?
- 1971.
542 - Where does the "All your Base" fad come from?
- Me.
543 - Why is the world flat?
- It spins so fast.
544 - Who won the battle, good or evil?
- Evil.
545 - Who should have won, Bush or Algore?
- Algore.
546 - Do you like movies where the bad guys win?
- Hell yes.
547 - How do you define bad guys?
- They're guys who are bad.
548 - Cats or Bobcats?
- Cats.
549 - Majonese or Ketchup?
- Ugh, so hard, they both suck.
550 - Cinnamon Buns or Croissants (however that is spelled)?
- Cinnamon buns.
551 - When did you last visit the library?
- Uh....
552 - Do you know R.L. Stine?
- Goosebumps, right?
553 - Is my name an abreviation? Of what?
- No.
554 - Do you believe in bigfoot?
- No.
555 - What is humanities biggest abomination?
- War.
556 - Do you like long walks on sunny warm days?
- No.
557 - Where do dead people go?
- In the ground.
558 - If the law didn't exist, would you change your life?
- Hell yeah. You know how, CyberDevil.
559 - Why don't you want to be become a bank robber?
560 - Is it unethical to dig up graves?
- Yes.
561 - Are you Christian?
562 - Do you believe in souls? Define soul.
- Yes. Soul is what makes you, you.
563 - What message would you like to pass on to the next generations?
- Newgrounds.com.
564 - Fire or Smoke?
- Fire.
565 - Fog or Rain?
- Fog.
566 - Roads or Rivers?
- Rivers.
567 - Would you like to go to Venice?
- Already been there.
568 - How much would you be willing to pay for a swimming pool filled with vanilla icecream?
- 1000 dollars.
569 - What are your opinions on cannibalism?
- A last resort.
570 - What is your metabolistic rate, in general?
- Fast.
571 - Are you getting tired yet?
- Very.
572 - If you tried but failed, how would you take the loss?
- I would leave.
573 - Are you obsessed with winning?
- Extremely.
574 - How statfixated are you?
- Yes.
575 - Would you post a thousand posts for a ten dollars?
- No.
576 - Would you post a thousand posts for a hundred dollars?
- Maybe.
577 - Which currency do you prefer?
- Euro.
578 - In which country do they sell the cheapest cheese?
- Italy, I think.
579 - What radio channel do you listen to most?
- I don't use the radio.
580 - Which search engine do you use most?
- I only ever use google.
581 - Which three websites do you visit most?
- Newgrounds, Google, and My website.
582 - Do you believe in Vampires?
- No.
583 - Would you like to visit Transilvania sometime?
- I'd consider it.
584 - Silhouettes or Illusions?
- Silhouettes.
585 - How many wetdreams have you had?
- Uh...
586 - If you created a script, would you make it opensource?
- Yes.
587 - Microsoft or Free Candy?
- Free Candy.
588 - Will Josh answer this question?
- Probably not.
589 - Will anyone ever have the guts to complete all the questions written here?
- Only me.
590 - Why is he still standing?
- I'm sitting.
591 - Marmalade or Cottage Cheese?
- Cottage Cheese.
592 - Fish or Chicken?
- Chicken.
593 - How fast can you speak?
- Really w=fast W/O lisp, normal W/ Lisp,
594 - Are you wise?
- Kinda.
595 - When?
- Now.
596 - Where?
- Here.
597 - Who?
- Me.
598 - What?
- Me.
599 - Why?
- I wanted to.
600 - What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
- Twilight.
601 - Why do you think I first skipped 300 questions and then added them later?
- You did?
602 - If I hadn't skipped 300 questions first, would you still not have managed to answer them all?
603 - How many knifes do you own?
- N/A
604 - What did you do yesterday that you know you shouldn't have done?
- Uhh.... Told you my sekwet.
605 - How much do you get done in an average day?
- Very little.
606 - Are you an efficiant person?
- Not at all.
607 - How many songs do you know all the lyrics for?
- Very few. "If I die and go to hell real soon..."
608 - Do you have a photographical memory?
- Hell No!
609 - Are your hands getting tired yet?
- Extremely.
610 - Would you like to go skydiving? Have you been skydiving? How was it?
- That;s 3 questions!!!
611 - Why is there so much bullshit in the forums nowadays?
- I don't know.
612 - I know what you did last Sunday, why did you do it man?! Why!!
613 - If you could chose between a short and eventful life, or a long and boring one, which would you chose?
- Long and boring. I would always have the computer.
614 - Would you rather be tall and skinny or short and muscular?
- Tall and skinny.
615 - Do you believe in small yellow gnomes hiding in your garden?
616 - Is Santa Clause real?
- No.
617 - What did BlueHippo say to the RedOstrich?
- You suck.
618 - Do you love me?
- No.
619 - Do you respect me?
- Very.
620 - Do you ponder over my seemingly inconsistent actions every second of the day that flies by?
- No, but now I do...
621 - Will you marry me?
- YES!!!
622 - How much ink have you washed away in the sink? Answer in liters, plz.
- None.
623 - Are you color blind?
- No.
624 - Does this really matter?
- No.
625 - Do you collect stamps? Stickers? Plastic figures?
- No, no, no.
626 - Did you ever buy something and then sell it once more for profit?
- Sadly not.
627 - How crappy is your singing skill? On a scale from 1 to 10, five being the best score, six being the worst.
- 6.
628 - How witty are you?
- Very.
629 - Tell me something I don't know yet.
- 1600 Americans are injured every year from odd sex positions.
630 - How much money did you waste last year on things you didn't need?
- Quite Alot.
631 - Why don't you get a job?
- I'm too young.
632 - If you were asked to take over newgrounds and help it prosper during it's future years, how would you star improving it?
- Well, I would start hiring more mods for the audio forum.
633 - What feature on newgrounds would you like to see implemented most?
- An Ideas/Suggestions Forum.
634 - Do you believe in dragons?
- No.
635 - Do you beleive in life on other planets?
- No.
636 - Is the cake a lie?
637 - DBZ or PX9?
- PX9, always.
638 - How do you define right and wrong?
- Idk, I just... do.
639 - Don't you just love cucumbers and the funky name this specif breed of vegetables was given?
- Yeah!
640 - Have you ever passed out?
- No.
641 - Have you been to the Opera?
- No.
642 - Can you surf?
- No.
643 - How far can you run at 7km/h?
- No.
644 - How many pringles would you like to eat?
- As much as I can!!!
645 - What is your bank account number? What is your credit card number? What is your pincode?
- Why?
646 - What is your newgrounds account password?
- My password is "Password".
647 - Do you believe in an afterlife?
- Yes.
648 - Friedly explain your political views.
- George Bush Sucks.
649 - Are you satisfied with your life?
- Yes.
650 - Are you fat?
- No.
651 - Do you consider yourself above average?
- Yes.
652 - If you had to chose between losing one of the following senses: smell, touch, hearing or sight, which one would it be?
- Simple Answer: None.
653 - If you had to stay away from this site for 27 days, how would you feel?
- Extremely Depressed.
654 - How long do you think it took me to write down all these questions?
- 3 Hours.
655 - How does it feel now that you're finaly reaching the end?
656 - Do you feel like you've achieved something great by answering all of these?
- Uh- hu!
657 - How many characters to you think you've typed in so far?
- 30,000.
658 - How fast can you type?
- Pretty fast.
659 - Do you have a keylogger script installed on your computer?
- No.
660 - Do you use a popup blocker?
- Yes.
661 - Which anti-virus do you prefer?
- Norton.
662 - How many lolipops can you fit in your mouth at the same time? The large round ones.
- 5.
663 - Dark or Light chocolate?
- Light.
664 - Banana or Orange?
- Banana.
665 - Rate these questions, from 3 to 65.
- 64.
666 - Why do you think I chose to end on this specific round number?
- 666= Devil.
You know, I'll be damned if anyone cares.
Naw, jk jk. It's lulzome, knowing that someone's jumped on the bandwagon and actually BOTHERED to do this as well.
Good job. No, not really.