Holy Shit!
That's Horrible! Torture! :D I love it.
Holy Shit!
That's Horrible! Torture! :D I love it.
Cool 3D effects!
I loved how you used the 3-dimensional effects! It was very cool!
:O Oh Noes!
Knight part was just messed up. Bobby's was just wrong. :D It was funny, in my opinion.
That is creepy. Yes it is.
That was a very creepy, not scary, flash. I loved how she whispered to make it sound like she was trying to avoid death.
(Oh... right, she was. :D)
Oh please god. Not Numa Numa.
That movie was very very funny. Nothing else here. End. Goodbye.
If this was just a comment box and not a review system, I'd be pondering the fact of your approval or disapproval.
I couldn't watch this.
II apologize, but I couldn't watch all of this. I was bored when they said it repelled barney. LOL and teletubby. LOL. Nice try, and better luck next time.
What... whas that?!?
"... then it's not a half beard."
"Everyone knows I dont shave my side burns."
"Then its more like a 3/5 beard or a 6/10 beard."
I know you tried to hide it. But I found it! (:
lol, well, it's not really hidden, it's just a not-so-obvious menu option, I guess. Or I guess you mean the fact that my half beard could be considered not so halfish due to the sideburns. That's the whole reason I did the extra short, heh. Good fun all the same. Glad you enjoyed it!
Do you not have enough reviews? Drop me a PM and I'll gladly review your song/flash!
Joined on 8/23/07